Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam, which exceeded all expectations - with record attendance and networking at its peak.
Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam. The event attracted a record number of visitors, more than 10 400 people from 126 countries. And why did we all come to this event? The answer is simple - to network!
Breakbulk Europe 2023 was more than just a trade fair; it was an opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and make new business contacts. Over the three days of the event, participants had the opportunity to meet on and off the stand, at a special Women in Breakbulk event, and at various workshops and training sessions.
As we work on international projects in our industry and success depends on effective cooperation and networking with different stakeholders, participation in this type of trade fair is all the more important and beneficial.
NAZAJ NA: Actual I.T. Novice | Unistar novice | Astec novice | Itelis novice
Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam, which exceeded all expectations - with record attendance and networking at its peak.
Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam. The event attracted a record number of visitors, more than 10 400 people from 126 countries. And why did we all come to this event? The answer is simple - to network!
Breakbulk Europe 2023 was more than just a trade fair; it was an opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and make new business contacts. Over the three days of the event, participants had the opportunity to meet on and off the stand, at a special Women in Breakbulk event, and at various workshops and training sessions.
As we work on international projects in our industry and success depends on effective cooperation and networking with different stakeholders, participation in this type of trade fair is all the more important and beneficial.
Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam, which exceeded all expectations - with record attendance and networking at its peak.
Our Transport & Logistics team visited Breakbulk Europe in Rotterdam. The event attracted a record number of visitors, more than 10 400 people from 126 countries. And why did we all come to this event? The answer is simple - to network!
Breakbulk Europe 2023 was more than just a trade fair; it was an opportunity to network, exchange ideas, and make new business contacts. Over the three days of the event, participants had the opportunity to meet on and off the stand, at a special Women in Breakbulk event, and at various workshops and training sessions.
As we work on international projects in our industry and success depends on effective cooperation and networking with different stakeholders, participation in this type of trade fair is all the more important and beneficial.